It's been a hot minute.

Where exactly have the last 8 minute months gone? It's been...busy! I started this little part of my business to share my ideas and, most importantly, things I learned as my business grew. But, whilst I have been working away I've ironically been a tad too busy to update on exactly what's happening!

So, what's been happening?

Well, my shop unexpectedly soared and I ended up with both a Star Seller (do we still even care about this badge?) and multiple best-selling products. Believe me when I say, I could not believe it. Was I finally earning after grafting away? Yes! Am I still earning? Yes! Now, don't get me wrong I'm about a million orders from buying a second-hand 15-year-old car - but we gotta start somewhere right? Can I pay my bills? Yes!

What can you expect over the coming months?

Providing my shop soars just like it did last year (can we all cross our fingers and toes, please?). Then I very much plan on taking a small part of my day and taking you all through it with me. Unlike my plans last year, I hope to also be more present on social media because if anything it's one thing I regret - not sharing the madness that took place!

So, over the next little while I'm hoping to share steps I am taking to prepare for the coming months, including Christmas (wasn't it just the small-business Valentine's Day stock check last week?!). From correctly storing all essential paperwork to saving invoices and designs safely, I'll go through everything I wish I knew last year and what I will definitely be doing this year.

In the meantime, why not take a minute to check out my previous posts about Etsy Seller Mistakes & what Etsy Policies you really need to have!

Speak soon,

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